Fall Workshop Series

New Opportunities Require New Strategies

With the Summer travel season waning, the year to come is full of new opportunities. But what if the tried and true approaches you have built your ministry around need to be revised?

Brought to you by Fresh Expressions and the Ascent Movement, The Center for Remissioning Fall Workshop Series will help you develop new strategies for discipleship, funding and creativity that will fill you with vision and excitement for the year to come.

Explore three opportunities to learn:

Cultivating Brilliance: Growing Creativity in Life, Team, and Ministry

If you've been in ministry for awhile, it's easy to feel stuck, and it's hard to get unstuck yourself. You need help shifting perspectives and making room for imagination and creativity. Over three sessions, Mitch Marcello will teach you practices for bringing new energy into your personal life, ministry teams, and your church programs.

Disciple-Centric Church: How to Put Transformation at the Center of Your Ministry

If you are concerned that your church isn't changing lives the way it could, Matt Lake will share a proven and tested discipleship approach to developing a pipeline for normal people to grow into the image of Christ.

Kingdom Business: How Missional Entrepreneurs Grow Ecosystems that Impact Communities

Communities have issues that traditional churches aren’t necessarily equipped to address. In these sessions, you’ll learn from Hugh Halter about an integrated approach where starting both faith communities and local businesses leads to city-wide transformation.

Workshop Pricing

Individual: $129
Team of 3+: $269

After August 31
Individual: $149
Team of 3+: $299

Presented in Partnership with